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Showing posts with label BASIL. Show all posts

Proper Storage For Basil

Keep Basil In The Sun

Proper storage for Basil
Basil needs sunlight

You shouldn’t store basil cuttings in the refrigerator because your basil needs sunshine. Basil wilts in the refrigerator.

Place your basil in a half cup of fresh cool water, and then place the cup on the sill of a sunny window. Your basil will last a lot longer. If it sprouts roots, it means that you can replant it and keep growing basil from that sampling.

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How To Grow Your Own Basil

Grow Your Own Basil

You shouldn’t store basil cuttings in the fridge. Refrigerators are dark and your basil can’t get any sunlight in there. Basil has been known to wilt in the fridge.

Grow your own basil  https://nowyouknowthis2.blogspot.com

Place any leftover basil in a cup half full of fresh water, and then place that cup by a sunny window. 

Your basil will last a lot longer, and it may even sprout roots, which means that you can replant it and grow infinite basil.