Did You Know?: 04/09/18

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The Exploding Sippy Cup

The exploding Nuby light-up cup

A mother in Boise, Idaho filled a Nuby insulated light-up cup with milk and before she could hand it to her child, the cup exploded in her hands.    

The mother had to call a friend to come over and watch her children while she went to the hospital to be treated for injuries to her hands, face, and treatment for her burning throat and lungs.

The special light-up cups come with a lithium-ion battery that is installed on the bottom of the cup. They sell for about $8.00 US. The battery activates the lights that are inside the cup.

But in this case, the battery blew up.   

Malfunctioning lithium-ion batteries have been in the news when they exploded in Samsung smartphones and most recently in electric scooters. 

Luv n' care, LTD, the parent company of Nuby, asked the mother to send the cup to them so they can investigate to see if the cup was properly used.   They claim that all battery operated cups are tested and inspected before being distributed to stores.  

The mother said she had just bought the cup a few days prior and never put the cup in the microwave or the dishwasher. 

The mother told a local news station who covered the story:  “It did a lot of damage and if that was in my son's hands, I don’t even want to imagine. I really don’t.  I’m scared to death of something like this happening again with another (lithium-ion battery) product or another toy or happening to somebody else. It was super scary. I immediately couldn’t breathe – my lungs were on fire, my throat, I couldn’t stop coughing.”

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