Did You Know?: 06/04/19

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Brain Teasing Games Can Slow Down Mental Decay

Playing brain-teasing games for just two hours a week may help slow the progression of dementia and other mind-altering diseases. 

So all those people who say your brain is going to go to mush, tell them it isn't true. To study how video games affect the brain, German researchers conducted a study, which was released in July 2013. They asked 23 adults with a median age of 25 to play the game "Super Mario 64" for 30 minutes a day, over a period of two months. A second separate control group did not play video games at all.

Playing Brain Teasing Games May Slow Mental Decay

Examining the brains of the two groups using an MRI machine, they found that the gaming group had a rise in gray matter in the right hippocampus, right prefrontal cortex, and the cerebellum -- the areas of the brain responsible for spatial navigation, memory formation, strategic planning and fine motor skills in the hands.

While previous studies have shown differences in the brain structure of video gamers, the present study can demonstrate the direct causal link between video gaming and a volumetric brain increase. This proves that specific brain regions can be trained by means of video games.

It's possible that very soon we will see video games potentially be used as a therapy for patients with mental disorders that cause brain regions to shrink or be altered.

Such diseases include schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and Alzheimer's.

"Whether it's a specially manufactured game or something like 'World of Warcraft,' games are cognitively complex and require mental energy and abilities to play them," said Jason Allaire, an associate professor in the department of psychology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, who was not involved with the study. "Whenever you do anything that requires mental energy, you're exercising your abilities -- it's just like if you exercise your muscles, you get stronger."

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