Did You Know?: 05/03/19

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Is The Shroud of Turin Authentic?

The Shroud of Turin is believed by many religions to be the burial cloth of Jesus. 

The Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin

At this time, the shroud is at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Italy.  it's a good size shroud - 14 feet by 4 feet - and there is no mistaking that there is an image of on it of a man with crucifixion wounds.

In 1988 scientists carbon dated the shroud and determined that it was actually created between 1260 and 1390 AD, but most people just refused to admit that the relic was a hoax.

In 2018, forensic teams tested the bloodstain patterns. Only one wound was considered to be "real" - the spear wound on the chest.  

The rest of the wounds were inconsistent and none matched the patterns one would expect to see from someone who had been hanging on a cross for hours and hours before being placed in a grave. 

The blood droplets on the right hand could only happen if the person's arm were at a 45-degree angle. The forearm stains show vertical arm positions. For someone to hold their arms in the same position at the same time is physically impossible.

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