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Facts and Myths About Carrots

Facts about carrots

Orange-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A. When you eat a lot of foods containing beta-carotene, not all is converted to Vitamin A. Some is used in the bloodstream.  

However, it is no lie that if you eat orange-colored foods for a long time - whether it is a fad diet or because you suddenly love orange-colored foods - your nose, palms and soles of your feet WILL turn slightly orange in color. But if you binge on orange-colored foods, your eyes will likely be normal. Binge eating affects all of your skin so that you will look like you fell asleep on a tanning bed.

Parents mistakenly diagnose their young children with jaundice when the real culprit is all the orange-colored foods they fed them.   

Tapering down or cutting out the orange foods will return skin to normal color. 

It is true that food is the best source to get your vitamins, but when it comes to beta-carotene, you might do better taking a supplement because a plate of orange-colored foods is not as appetizing as you may think. You also can't control how much beta carotene you are getting in foods the way you can by taking a supplement

Carrots have beta-carotene and other antioxidants
Carrots have an antioxidant called beta-carotene

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