Did You Know?: 05/05/19

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Is Chocolate The New Superfood?

Does Chocolate Really Have Health Benefits?

Many books and magazines call chocolate the new Superfood claiming that it can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease, and promote better memory, among other things. 

It is true that dark chocolate has more beneficial qualities than light chocolate and white chocolate.  

A universal serving size still has not been established after all these years. 

We do know that eating a lot of it will promote tooth decay, cause acne and make us gain weight. Some people who are already at risk for developing kidney stones will continue to get them because of eating too much chocolate.  Bingeing on chocolate can cause anxiety, diarrhea, and irritability.

Quercetin is a flavonol found in chocolate. Flavonols are plant-based nutrients and quercetin is a potent antioxidant that protects your cells against damage by free radicals.   

But chocolate is loaded with sugar and other additives.  Any benefits that you think you would be getting from eating chocolate are canceled out by the sugar and other additives.   

Are all forms of chocolate good for you?

If the chocolate you eat has been processed, the processing method could strip the flavonols from the chocolate, which would leave no nutrients and no health benefits.  

Whenever surveys and studies are mentioned in an article, the studies are most likely funded by the chocolate companies themselves, namely Mars Company whose operating budget can easily fund dozens of studies. Each study usually has an ulterior motive to produce a positive outcome.  Therefore the studies will find as many good reasons as possible to say that chocolate is good and healthy so that people will keep buying it.  

Like a drug.

Just because chocolate has some health benefits, do you think that chocolate has earned the title of Superfood?  Use comments to voice your opinion.

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