Did You Know?: July 2018

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Proper Storage For Chocolate

Cold Chocolate 

There are a lot of people who love their chocolate candy cold, but the ideal temperature for chocolate is between 65 and 68°F, which is much warmer than the average refrigerator.

Storing chocolate candy in a dark place means the areas that are away from excessive heat and out of sunlight.  

Chocolate doesn't need to be kept cold
While you may prefer cold chocolate, it should be kept at
 room temperature unless you live in a warm or hot place.

Studies have shown that chocolates start melting between 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. So, keep the temperature low and the humidity less than 55%. 

The ideal temperature to store chocolate is between 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.  You can store it in an air-tight container. 

If you want to store chocolate for more than six months, then put it in the freezer. 

If you live in a warm to hot climate, put your chocolate in cupboards or cabinets to protect the chocolates from humid air.

Only store your chocolate in the refrigerator if you live in a very warm climate or when your chocolate appears to be melting but isn't totally melted yet.  

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