Did You Know?: February 2017

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A woman can say more with one sigh than a preacher can in his whole sermon

Ellis Island

Starting in the late 1800s, America was welcoming immigrants via Ellis Island. "Come on in, immigrants," said Ellis Island - which was the gateway to 2 million immigrants to the United States. 

Immigrant family looks at NYC from Ellis Island
An immigrant family gets their first look at New York City
standing on Ellis Island

For over 60 years, between 1892 until 1954, Ellis Island was the busiest immigrant inspection station in the U.S. Immigrating to the United States, and coming into Ellis Island was made extra special by the sight of the Statue of Liberty in the harbor. 

Sadly for New Yorkers, in 1998 the US Supreme Court decision found that most of the Ellis Island land is actually in New Jersey.

Ellis Island is now a 27.5-acre historical site located near Manhattan Island, New York. In its history, the island can take credit for welcoming more of the American population through the Port of New York than any other place.  Nearly half of the Americans living in the United States have entered this country by Ellis Island and it is still one of the most popular tourist spots in the United States.  Ellis Island is managed by the US Park Service. 

The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor
Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson declared Ellis Island part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Ellis Island was re-opened to the public on a limited basis between 1976 and 1984. 

In 1984, Ellis Island underwent a major restoration, the largest historic restoration in U.S. history. The $160 million project was funded by donations sent to the Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund.  On September 10, 1990, the Main Building was reopened to the public as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. 

Ellis Island processing center
Processing center at Ellis Island before sorting

 On May 20, 2015, the entire story of American immigration was being re-told in the re-named Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration. Today, the museum receives almost 2 million tourists annually.

Immigrants await physical exam on Ellis Island 1907-1921
Newly arrived immigrants await examination at the
Ellis Island between 1907 and 1921

Facts about Ellis Island
Facts about Ellis Island (Click on picture to enlarge)

Do you know anyone who came to the United States through Ellis Island?  

Here are some links where you can have a little fun searching their names by year of entry.

To search for new arrivals from 1820 to 1891, use this link:


search screen for new arrivals to Ellis Island 1820-1891
Search screen for new arrivals (1820-1891)

To search for new arrivals from 1909, then 1925 to 1957, use this link:


Search screen for new arrivals to Ellis Island 1909, 1925-1957
Search screen for new arrivals to Ellis Island 1909, 1925-1957

Try this searchable database:

Archive database screen sorted by topics
Database screen sorted by topics

Some history and other Links of interest: This is a little history about Ellis Island



January 1892 news article 



History about the Statue of Liberty


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We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young

Black Death in 14th Century London

When London was hit by a combined attack of pneumonic and bubonic plague, it was called the Black Death. 

London lost lots of its population to black death
London lost nearly one-third of its population during
 the Black Death of the 14th century

Robert of Avesbury says: Those marked for death scarcely lived longer than three or four days. It (the plague) showed favor to no one, except a very few of the wealthy. On the same day, 20, 40 or 60 bodies, and sometimes many more, might be committed for burial together in the same pit.

 Map of Black Death cities around London
Map of regions plagued with Black Death

Two ex-Chancellors and three Archbishops of Canterbury all died in quick succession. A large black slab in the southern cloister of Westminster Abbey covers the remains of the Abbot of Westminster and 27 of his monks who were also taken by the plague.

It raged in London until spring 1350, and is assumed to have killed between one third and one half of the populace.

Skeletons of black death victims found in London
Skeletons found in London

March 2013: Workers on The Crossrail project have discovered a mass grave thought to contain the bodies of Londoners who died from the Black Plague.

This isn't the first time a large number of skeletons has been discovered during building work in the capital.

In October 2012, construction of a multi-million-pound leisure center in Elephant and Castle was suspended after the discovery of 500 skeletons. They were in crypts, some of which dated back to before the Black Death in the 1300s.

Black Death facts

  • The Black Death struck London in the autumn of 1348
  • During the next 18 months, it killed half of all Londoners – perhaps 40,000 people
  • Most experts believe that it was bubonic plague
  • Symptoms included headaches, fever, vomiting, painful swellings on the neck, armpits and groin (buboes), blisters and bruises, coughing up blood
  • There were so many dead that Londoners had to dig mass graves. In some of the trenches, the bodies were piled on top of each other, up to five deep. Children’s bodies were placed in the small spaces between adults
  • Many people have heard of the Black Death of 1348 and the Great Plague of 1665. However, it is less well-known that these famous outbreaks are only two of nearly 40 that London suffered between 1348 and 1665
  • A major outbreak of the disease struck roughly every 20-30 years, killing around 20% of London’s population each time. There were lesser outbreaks in-between the major ones and sometimes the disease could continue for several years in a less serious form
  • The term ‘Black Death’ was first used in the 1800s. Medieval people called the disease the ‘Great Pestilence’
  • The plague lingered until the last reported case in 1679
  • The plague still exists today in countries like India and the United States

Click This Link To Learn More About The Black Death:


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Life isn't about waiting for storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain

Facts and Myths About Carrots

Facts about carrots

Orange-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A. When you eat a lot of foods containing beta-carotene, not all is converted to Vitamin A. Some is used in the bloodstream.  

However, it is no lie that if you eat orange-colored foods for a long time - whether it is a fad diet or because you suddenly love orange-colored foods - your nose, palms and soles of your feet WILL turn slightly orange in color. But if you binge on orange-colored foods, your eyes will likely be normal. Binge eating affects all of your skin so that you will look like you fell asleep on a tanning bed.

Parents mistakenly diagnose their young children with jaundice when the real culprit is all the orange-colored foods they fed them.   

Tapering down or cutting out the orange foods will return skin to normal color. 

It is true that food is the best source to get your vitamins, but when it comes to beta-carotene, you might do better taking a supplement because a plate of orange-colored foods is not as appetizing as you may think. You also can't control how much beta carotene you are getting in foods the way you can by taking a supplement

Carrots have beta-carotene and other antioxidants
Carrots have an antioxidant called beta-carotene

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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions pass no criticisms

Foods That Will Make Your Hair Grow

Foods that help hair to grow faster

Salmon can help hair growth
Salmon is loaded with Vitamin D, protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids, which promote hair growth by keeping your scalp healthy.

Yellow Peppers
Vitamin C in yellow peppers strengthens hair
Yellow Peppers have antioxidants

Yellow bell peppers have nearly 6 times more vitamin C than oranges (341 milligrams, as opposed to 63).  Vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens the hair shaft and hair follicles and prevents breakage.

The zinc in oysters help hair growth
Oysters have zinc
Zinc deficiency causes hair loss and poor scalp conditions.  Oysters are loaded with zinc - three ounces has 493% of your daily value. Oysters caught in the Gulf of Mexico may contain very high levels of cadmium due to the frequent oil spills in the Gulf.  


Eggs have biotin and Omega 3s for hair growth
Eggs contain biotin
Eggs, an excellent source of Omega-3s, also have biotin. But it’s not the egg white that will make your hair beautiful, it’s the yolk. Eating too many egg whites can block the absorption of biotin. 

Sunflower Seeds
Vitamin E helps hair grow faster
Sunflower seeds
have Vitamin E

Just a handful of sunflower seeds will give you a day's supply of Vitamin E, which will enhance blood flow to the scalp and promote faster hair growth.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A
Sweet Potatoes are high in Vitamin A
Sweet potatoes have beta carotene (Vitamin A) which promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth. To get your daily required 2500 milligrams, choose foods high in beta carotene. High doses vitamins are toxic.  

Avocados have fatty acids to help scalp
Avocados have fatty acids

Avocados have essential fatty acids that are normally found in skin cells which keep your skin smooth and supple. Avocados are hyped as a beauty secret and added to nearly everything we use but namely in skin creams, shampoos, rinses, conditioners, and scalp treatments. 

Recipe:  Mix avocados with sour cream, apply to hair and scalp, leave on for 10 minutes, then wash off.  Avocados and sour cream stimulate collagen and elastin. The lactic acid in sour cream helps exfoliate dead skin.  

Biotin in Almonds help hair grow faster
Almonds are high in Biotin

Almonds have a high Biotin content and they are supposed to make your hair grow faster and thicker. One cup contains nearly one-third of your daily requirement. You should be able to see the results in a month or two of adding them to your diet.

The oil in spinach helps to grow hair
Spinach produces oil that helps
hair growth
Spinach and other dark leafy greens are high in Vitamin A and C, which help your body produce the oils necessary to keep your hair growing healthy and strong. When you add spinach to your diet, it can take six months to a year to see results.   

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The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.

Teotihuacán Pyramids

Did you know that Teotihuacán is the most visited active archaeological site in Mexico? There were 4,185,107 visitors in 2017. In the first half of the 1st millennium CE, Teotihuacán was the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas, with a population estimated at 125,000 or more. 

Teotihuacan pyramids meet at center of the road called Avenue of the Dead
The pyramids all meet in the center on a road
called the Avenue of the Dead

Click on pictures to enlarge

view of Teotihuacan pyramids
Another view of the pyramid

In 2004, the governor of Mexico state, Arturo Montiel, gave permission for Wal-Mart to build a large store in the third archaeological zone of the park. However, fragments of ancient pottery were found where the trucks dumped soil taken from the Teotihuacán site.  

A light and sound show was installed recently. Critics say a large number of perforations have caused fractures in the stones and the damage is irreversible. 

You can read more here:

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Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark

Tips For Moving Day

Tips to pack your house up on moving day
Tips to pack your house on moving day

1 - Plan ahead - start gathering boxes from local stores and when you see others putting them out in the trash. Check your local community board for people offering free boxes after their own move. The organization called Freecycle is a wonderful resource for services, news, used merchandise and stuff no one wants anymore but still has some value. The web address is www.freecycle.org  Many cities and small communities have at least one Freecycle board.

freecycle.org is free
Freecycle is a great free resource for useful items that you
can't bring yourself to throw away AND to get free items for your home.

2 - Recycle your moving boxes when you’re finished unpacking. You can offer your boxes to others who are moving soon by putting them on Freecycle, put up an index card on a local bulletin board (supermarket, community center) or you can flatten them to recycle in a cardboard disposal unit.  

Flatten moving boxes to recycle
Give your moving boxes away or flatten them for recycling

3 - Save your money by not buying bubble wrap. Instead, wrap your delicate items in bath and kitchen towels. After you move, toss them in the washer with some liquid fabric softener and you'll eliminate the smell of the moving boxes.

Wrap your dishes in bath towels
wrap dishes in bath towels 

4 - Use your travel luggage to pack your off-season clothing.  That way you don't have to unpack them immediately; you can unpack them at your leisure.  When you are moving bedroom furniture, don't pack your bed clothing either. Leave them in the drawers and either tape them shut or move the drawers separately.


Use luggage to move your clothes to new house
Use luggage to transport clothes

5 - Use your laundry baskets to move heavy bottles and boxes of liquid laundry soap, dish soap, and other cleaning products. This way when you unpack your cleaning products, you can see them at a glance.

Use laundry baskets to move laundry detergent and softeners
Use laundry baskets to move your laundry detergents,
fabric softeners and other bottles which will stand up very nicely.

5a - As you are packing, don't move unnecessary items to your new home. Set aside what you want to donate or sell at yard sale. Now is the time to donate your outgrown clothing to Salvation Army or Goodwill and take a tax deduction.  

Boxes help to organize your move
Stay organized with labeling boxes

6 - If you sold your home and are leaving it partly furnished, you might want to help your new owners by leaving some useful items for them. Otherwise, keep a list handy of what you want to sell at a yard sale and a separate list for donations. Many establishments will come to your residence and pick up furniture and clothing if they feel it is worth the trip. Make sure you get a receipt from the driver.

Salvation Army will take your unwanted items
Donate to the Salvation Army and get receipts!

7 - Forward all mail to your new residence. Be sure to fill out change of address cards. The post office keeps them on file for one year at which time you will have to fill out new ones if you haven't gotten all your mail rerouted yet. If you expect your move to be especially traumatic or hectic, you might want to ask your post office to hold your mail for a week so you can get settled in.

A week before moving, change your address at post office
Change your address with post office about a week in advance

8 -  When you are changing locks in your new residence, consider having one key for all the doors and extra buildings (shed, garage, etc.). That's what we do at our home.  This eliminates fishing through your key ring looking for the right key. You will have one key and never have to question what it is for.

Ask locksmith to make one key to fit all house doors
Ask him to make all doors in the house to fit one key. It will eliminate carrying around multiple house keys.

9 - If your present financial institution doesn't have a branch near your new residence, consider setting up your accounts at a new local bank. Order checks with your new address on it so when the bills come in, you are ready to pay them with your new checks.

Conduct bank business a week in advance
Conduct your bank business about one week in advance

10 - It might seem like a no brainer, but you are going to need cash money on hand.  Go to the bank and withdraw at least $100 a day for the first week, so you can cover take out food, pay helpers and pay for incidentals so you aren't sharing your credit card information for small purchases.

Cash protects your credit card information.
Keep small amounts of cash for incidentals.
This way you aren't spreading 
around your credit card information.

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